The Contract Tarot 1: The Magus

The Magus Is upon us In all his eternal omniscience! His wand unites And harmonizes Elemental weapons In white light and darkness. Zero in on positive manifestation And joyfully energize creation. Craft synchronous success In the desire of your will. The power of the Sphinx, The Cynocephalus Ape Say ‘Go!’ and take with you The change that will make you!

The card’s background is rain on a yellow field of colour. This is Air, wet and hot.

Let’s talk about the ‘things’ you see on this card.

The most prominent feature is the caduceus. The caduceus has on its wings a censer, a quill pen and a winged egg. It has a blue dove on its centre. The caduceus is the Wand of Mercury, a symbol of creative force and energy. The snakes that wrap around it are positive and negative currents. They form a lemniscate, the symbol of omniscience. The blue dove represents Spirit.

The disk, dagger, cup and censer are the four elemental weapons and the winged egg is the fifth element of Spirit. The wand of double power is energy and power and unites opposites under one will. The quill pen and scroll are instruments of communication and represent Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing, wisdom and magick.

The Cynocephalus Ape appears among the roses and lilies at the bottom of the card. He is a baboon and is sometimes thought to be a bit antagonistic in some circles and, in others, an intelligent companion. The roses symbolise desire and the lilies symbolise knowledge.

The glyphs at the bottom of the scroll are Mercury, Air and the Hebrew letter Beth (house). This card represents the path between Kether (Crown) and Binah (Understanding).

The verse speaks of the elements of this card including alluding to the Sphinx, the symbol of which the Magus wears as a sandal strap on his ankle. This card is all about creative force harnessed by will to create change.

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

31: Striding forward with… change and risk

Have you ever wondered why some people approach change with fear and others approach change with a cavalier attitude and others look positively anticipate change?

There are a few things you need to know about change:

  1. Change happens whether you participate or not.
  2. All change comes with an element of risk.
  3. YOU will change whether you participate or not.
  4. Risk can be mitigated by participation in change.
  5. All change is good.

Before you take umbrage at these statements, let’s take a look at them.

They all say the same thing in different ways. Change and risk are synonymous. If you switch the words about, you get the same message. How’s that for change? and/or risk?

Now that you’re thinking about that, let’s change things a bit and risk another topic.

Today, I have drawn the 2 of Swords – Peace. I am using the Thoth Tarot illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris.

What an appropriate card for today! I have drawn this card before and the detail of it can be seen here.

This card is all about peace and balance. I think, after meditating on the above, that these are all linked together.

Once change and risk are realised to be inherently synonymous and a visceral change occurs so joy can be found in all change and all risk, then peace and balance will be the reward.

I know so many who stress over change and I cannot understand why. I have experience a great deal of change and an overabundance of risk in my short life (all 50 years) and I know that if I fully engage with it, change and risk become my allies. I am at peace and can find balance if I embrace it!

So, how do you deal with change and risk? What might you do to find your peace and balance with all the changes happening and the associated risks?

I can only speak for myself and I hope you will find a way to eagerly anticipate change.

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

16: Pathfinding… choosing to allow

I woke up this morning in a bit of anxiety. I had a doctor’s appointment at the hospital and it was early. So, initially, I was anxious that I didn’t have enough time to get up, have a cuppa and some brekkie, shower and dress before we had to leave earlier than usual due to the traffic congestion that inevitably awaited. All that anxiety was for nought. We left later than planned and arrived with a few minutes to spare. Now my anxiety was focused on managing to ambulate to the reception, then to the waiting area, then in to see the doctor. All the while, I was careful to keep my hands to myself, not touching surfaces and trying to avoid any physical contact with door handles, surfaces, textiles, etc. It isn’t easy. Of course, I ran into someone I used to work with and a hug and pleasant conversation briefly enhanced my visit. In to see the doctor, which was pleasant, informative and reassuring, then out again to call my husband to return to the hospital to pick me up, followed by a trip to the loo and back to the front of the hospital (in the crisp morning air) to await his arrival. Briefly, as my husband arrived, an old friend arrived to catch-up with the hows, the whys, the whats and the hope all goes well for you exchange before my husband bundled me into the car and we drove home.

Now, I’m exhausted. I realised that choosing to allow was a very large portion of my morning. I chose to allow people into my life again, albeit briefly, to support the need for human exchange and mutual support, caring and encouragement. Of  course, this negated my mission to remain free of touching anything or anyone during my visit. This mission may seem bizarre to some. I’ve noticed, however, that every time I venture into a public domain, I end up ‘catching’ whatever may be the cold or infection of the day. My immunity isn’t as strong as it used to be and this may be part of my health issues. So, I strive – with all good intentions – to maintain my mission.

Does choosing to allow always result in negative consequences? I wonder. Choosing to allow almost suggests a willing tolerance to something that doesn’t always agree or come easily to me. What do you ‘choose to allow’ in your life? What are the results? Is ‘choosing to allow’ necessary for growth?

Today, I have drawn The Lovers, VI. I am using the Thoth Tarot illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris.

This card seems to be one that keeps turning up for me. What is it saying to me today?

Let me first tell you what I see in this card. It is full of symbols and hidden representations. The overwhelming character is the Hermit who is standing behind the King and Queen. He is officiating at their union. His cloak forms a ‘Mobius Strip’ around his outstretched arms. A blindfolded Cupid is in flight just at the top of the Hermit’s hooded head. This Cupid will be ineffective as his arrow is pointing in a direction that will not pierce any of the individuals on this card. At either side of the Hermit, resting on either of his shoulders, are two women. In front of the Hermit are the King and the Queen. The black King wears a golden crown – the Sun, the white Empress wears a silver crown – the Moon. The black King holds a lance and the white Queen holds a cup with the symbol of a dove on the front. White rays emanate from this cup and, together with the dove, indicate Spirit. The King and Queen are assisted by complementary twins – Gemini. The white child stands in front of the black King and assists the white Queen. The black child stands in front of the white Queen and assists the black King. Behind the King is a golden lion (Leo) and behind the Queen is an eagle (Scorpio). The twins are standing on the wings of the Orphic Egg. They are surrounding by a white light which indicates they are part of the Orphic Egg inasmuch as they indicate the impending union of the King and Queen. The Orphic Egg represented here signifies the Universe. It is surrounded by a serpent and has wings.

More information about the symbols seen in the Thoth Tarot can be found in The Thoth Companion: the Key to the True Symbolic Meaning of the Thoth Tarot by Michael Osiris Snuffin through Amazon. I just found this resource today <happy dance> and it is quite complete.

This card is about choice in relationships. It is about coming together and it is most importantly about the product of union. Within the context of my life, it feels that this is about the choice I am making about the product I am creating through the union of knowledge, intuition and physical enterprise. It is about honouring the choices we make and nurturing them to their full potential. It is about exchange and interchange, about examining the layers and realising there is more than may first be evident. It is about looking at the Universe you have created and examining the purpose for and potientiality of your decisions. Is there change, generosity, analysis, planning, disruption and joy in your decision making? Is there balance and solidity?

Until tomorrow…. Love, light and blessings!

3: Daily Doings

Well, today has been an interesting one! My ankles and feet are still swollen – though not as badly as yesterday. I thought I’d take a few minutes to catch everyone up (including me)!

I will have to change what I am doing just a bit. I am going to take a new direction, where needed. I took a Tarot class late on 29 February and learned a few bits that I will be putting into practice here.

I have a new book, Tarot Plain and Simple, by Anthony Louis with illustrations by Robin Wood. I will be using this in place of the Easy Tarot Handbook, though I will be continuing to use Easy Tarot Handbook for reference purposes. I also received Mary K Greer’s, The Complete Book of Tarot Reversals, and will use this tome for reference purposes also.

There are so many excellent sources of information available. The more I study Tarot, the more I find fabulous internet sites, books, decks and references in the bits that are included in Tarot: numerology, colour analysis, symbolism, alchemy, astrology, astronomy, shamanic meanings, Rosicrucian information, shapes, sounds, horticulture… you can see how this is all rather endless. It’s good to know it exists and it’s good to know it can be accessed if essential to ‘unstick’ a thought, a concept or a position.

I would encourage you to take a look to see what you can find that may be of use to your own study through Tarot.

Now, I’ll climb down from my soapbox and get started. Today, I will be doing my Reading a Story, I’ll continue with Mary K Greer’s 21 Ways and I’ll begin using what I learned during the Tarot class I took on the 29th of February.

Reading a Story: I have today drawn The 10 of Cups – Satiety, The Lovers and The Aeon. I am using the Thoth Tarot and these cards will answer the question, ‘What will my day be like – morning, afternoon and evening?’

  For the morning, I have drawn the 10 of Cups – Satiety: This cards carries so many connotations of happiness, of fulfillment and harmony. I find it odd that Crowley thought it should be a sinister card. Mars can be disruptive and Mars in Pisces lends to scattered emotions, diffuse energies. This card is also about endings – and being on the precipice of a new beginning. This morning has been about endings and beginnings: my swollen feet are not as swollen as yesterday so they are beginning to improve, I have had answers back from people I have been waiting to respond to my query, I have fixed my computer so all is working well, I have found a group that will be very helpful and supportive. All-in-all a very happy, fulfilling and harmonious morning.
  For the afternoon, I have drawn The Lovers: This is a most celebratory card. It is about union, bringing forth the divine and understanding duality and choice. This afternoon has been a time of choice as I ponder how to continue on my journey through Tarot. I’ve had some doors closed and others opened. I have allowed my intuition to guide me to a decision. It’s been a thoughtful afternoon and quite enjoyable.
  For the evening, I have drawn The Aeon: This card is quite appropriate related to the 10 of Cups. It is appropriate in position as the 10 of Cups was at the beginning of my day ending something and The Aeon is at the end of my day as a card of rebirth and beginnings. The Lovers in the middle certainly helped as I had choices to make and the decision culminates in The Aeon. I am really enjoying this day! It bodes well for tomorrow and encourages me to continue on my course.

The Story: Once upon a time a girl awoke and found all her outstanding queries had been answered. This was intriguing as with the answers came new questions and choices to make. By the time the evening had ended, she had made the choices, come to decision and found herself well-pleased with what the day delivered. Tomorrow was a new day and she could continue her story. The end ~ for now ♥

Beginnings: OK, so I had a Tarot class on the 29th of February and we learned some interesting things. So I will put them to practice here.

Pinpointing: In the first instance, I was asked to point out one thing on a card that caught my attention. Taking a few cards and working through them is helpful so when I see each card, I will automatically do an association. At least, that is how I think this could be very helpful. From my Toastmaster’s days, this would be called signposting (SP) so I will probably think of it in that way.

Bridging: Once I get a grip with SP, I will move on to bridging which helps put two or more SP’d cards together. I can see how this is essential to reading and find this useful.

So, let’s get busy with these two skills… I’ll use the WildWood Tarot deck to begin and then the Thoth Tarot.






Bridge: change






Bridge: change


 SP: snow    SP: water    SP: atmosphere





Bridge: cycles





Bridge: blooming


 SP: circles    SP: wheel    SP: flowers

Okay, so this is just a start… it isn’t always easy to signpost or to bridge but it becomes easier as I do it. I will practice more later.

I’ve got to cut this short today. I apologise as I got started a little late but made it through… Love, light and blessings! Jean

There is only one thing you can count on…

and that is change. With that in mind, I have changed the site just a bit due to the influx of resources and decks.

I will be adding more tomorrow. Today is a day to find my foundations so I can move forward and start adding to my learning and my readings.

While this seems like a daunting proposition, I look forward to the challenge and the fabulous insights that will be coming my way. Tarot is such a broad topic and there are so many different things to learn. But, just like any formidable task, it is important to break things down into small chunks and then put pieces together to get the whole picture.

Now, with all that in mind… let’s get started! Loads of reading to do today and I’ll see you tomorrow!

Love, light and blessings!