The Contract Tarot – Inspiration of Virtues and Cosmic Principles

In traditional decks, the Inspiration of Virtues and Cosmic Principles would represent the Page of the suit of Cups. Inspiration, like the Page, is a messenger. This card is about the messages in our emotions.

Let’s take a closer look at the card.

The background shows the dendrites and nucleus of a nerve cell. The word is Empathy. We feel empathy when we connect with the energies of others. We vicariously experience what they are feeling.

The next image is a goldfish in a lightbulb. The word is Creativity. Creativity opens us up to possibility thinking. It subdues fear and explodes potential. It is counter-intuitive at some levels and shows us a different perspective. It is unique, inspired and feels good.

The image at the bottom is the Tree of Grief. The word is Grace. While Grace in itself is not an emotion, grief is. We find Grace when we experience grief. Grace is mercy, it is protected and sanctified by God. It is the bittersweetness that follows heavy grief as we dwell on what we have lost but know, really know, that whatever is lost is now at the mercy of the Divine. It is the bridge between grief and peace.

So, this card is about the messages of our emotions. It is how we connect, not only with the Divine, but with all things. It is Love on every level.

The symbol above the ‘C’ is for Pisces. The symbols above the ‘P’ are Earth and Water.

The Tree of Life path is Malkuth (kingdom) in Beriah (creation).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

I have appointments tomorrow, so, until Friday… Love, light and blessings!

The Contract Tarot 5: The Hierophant

Hear the wisdom Of the Hierophant! He offers advice And ancient grace. Bring your problems In your search For truth and understanding He brings harmony and peace. Your desire for knowledge Will be answered here Sit at the feet Of the teacher Aspire to being Life!

So, let’s dive into this card and see what we can see.

The most noticeable thing is the background with sun, moon and mountain and colour. Then the eye focuses on the two pillars, the stone throne, the crown, the borromean rings, the open book, the keys, the lilies, the red roses and the kerubim.

Okay… one at a time.

The background colour is red-orange and is the colour of the Hierophant’s robes.
The light from the sun becomes the oriel representing macrocosmic knowledge and is characteristic of the enlightened.
The moon is the crescent moon that links this card’s energy with The Priestess.
The mountain represents the self-imposed limitations an initiate must overcome on their journey of self-discovery to obtain esoteric/divine knowledge.
The two pillars/columns are Law (right one) and Liberty (left one).
The stone throne is the grey and cold colour representing the earth – this card’s element.
The crown is the papal three-tiered crown.
The borromean rings replace the triple cross scepter and represent the 3 Thelemic Aeons of Isis, Osiris and Horus.
The open book is the Book of Mysteries now open to reveal knowledge.
The keys open the door (of your mind and spirit) to receive divine knowledge.
The lilies represent knowledge.
The roses represent desire and Venus (rules Taurus).
The kerubim are the lion (Leo), the bull (Taurus), the angel (Aquarius) and the eagle (Scorpio) and also the 4 powers of the Sphinx: to Know, to Will, to Dare and to Keep Silent.

On the bottom of the scroll (left to right): the Hebrew letter Vav (nail), the symbol for the element of earth and the zodiac symbol for Taurus. Below the scroll the path between Chokmah (wisdom) and Chesed (mercy) is revealed.

This card is all about finding the wisdom of your soul, looking for divine/esoteric answers and self-discovery. You already know what you need to know. You will find it inside yourself. The path, the truth and the mystery are in yourself.

What do you see? How do you interpret this card?

Until Monday… have a blessed weekend! Love, light and blessings!



32: Striding forward with… the right tools

Are you using the right tools to accomplish your goals/tasks?

It’s easy to become fixed with the tools we use. We know the feel of them, the sound of them, the nuances and idiosyncrasies of them and reject improved tools, new items and tools others use in favour of our favourite, old standbys. We forget that new materials are being used, new shapes, new sharpness, new colour, new… are out there for us to improve the feel, the texture, the smell, the look, the ease of use every day.

So, are you using the right tools? Is there a tool out there that you haven’t tried that promises to make your goal/task easier, faster, better, stronger, more profound, more… ???

Do you know someone who does something quite similar to you using different tools than you do? Perhaps you can help them consider other methods/ways and they can help you see your goal/task in a different perspective.

Consider… what is the right tool? Could another method/way/tool be used? Is there a way to try before you buy?

Sometimes, the right tool is one we’ve been using all along. We just need to use it differently or to its full capacity.

Today, I have drawn the 4 of Swords – Truce. I am using the Thoth Tarot illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris.

My first impression of this card is ‘X’ marks the spot! These four swords seem to be doing just that.

Let’s look at this card more closely. If we look at the ‘X’ we see it is in green, the colour of Libra, and resembles the Rose Cross. The 49-petaled blue rose in the centre is harmonious and the rose is about spirit. The swords have a distinct pattern on each guard and these represent the four elements. The background is the blue of Jupiter and the yellow of Air. This card is Jupiter in Libra.

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Truce?’

This card is about breathing when you realise you’ve been holding your breath due to stress or concentration. It is that sigh that comes and helps you to relax. This is the lull after the storm, the peace after war, the relaxation after stress, the rest, recovery, compromise and refuge.

Go ahead, you know you want to… sigh. Doesn’t that feel better? Call a truce with yourself and relax. You’ve been working hard and you need just a few minutes of blissful breathing to refresh and regroup. All together now… deep breath in… count to 4… exhale.

Until tomorrow… love, light and blessings!

31: Striding forward with… change and risk

Have you ever wondered why some people approach change with fear and others approach change with a cavalier attitude and others look positively anticipate change?

There are a few things you need to know about change:

  1. Change happens whether you participate or not.
  2. All change comes with an element of risk.
  3. YOU will change whether you participate or not.
  4. Risk can be mitigated by participation in change.
  5. All change is good.

Before you take umbrage at these statements, let’s take a look at them.

They all say the same thing in different ways. Change and risk are synonymous. If you switch the words about, you get the same message. How’s that for change? and/or risk?

Now that you’re thinking about that, let’s change things a bit and risk another topic.

Today, I have drawn the 2 of Swords – Peace. I am using the Thoth Tarot illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris.

What an appropriate card for today! I have drawn this card before and the detail of it can be seen here.

This card is all about peace and balance. I think, after meditating on the above, that these are all linked together.

Once change and risk are realised to be inherently synonymous and a visceral change occurs so joy can be found in all change and all risk, then peace and balance will be the reward.

I know so many who stress over change and I cannot understand why. I have experience a great deal of change and an overabundance of risk in my short life (all 50 years) and I know that if I fully engage with it, change and risk become my allies. I am at peace and can find balance if I embrace it!

So, how do you deal with change and risk? What might you do to find your peace and balance with all the changes happening and the associated risks?

I can only speak for myself and I hope you will find a way to eagerly anticipate change.

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

17: Pathfinding… cutting through

I had a dream last night that helped me greatly in progressing my project. The dream was about the Tarot and I was looking at various Tarot spreads. Someone gently whispered to me: “The Tarot is all about the story you see unfolding before you. All you need to do is to tell the story of what you see. Nothing more.” Well, that cut right through all the muck, didn’t it?

So when I got up this morning, I had my cup of coffee and returned the cup to the sink. I then opened the refrigerator and noticed that the top shelf was quite sticky. Ahhh! My husband was making jelly (jello for those in the US) and spilled one before it had set. He cleaned it up as best he could without stripping the shelf and, overnight, the jelly had set and, as jelly is mostly sugar, the shelf was a mass of sweet stickiness. So, I began stripping the shelf to find that I would have to do the same all the way through the refrigerator as the jelly liquid had dripped at the back all the way down through the other two shelves into the vegetable drawer. What a fun way to begin the day! As I was washing shelves, my hand encountered a knife in the sink and I cut my middle finger. Immediately, my mind went back to my dream and the way it so clearly cut through my dilemma. I finished my project and then bandaged my finger.

Simplicity cuts through confusion. It is simple to think that all I need do is tell the story. Tell the story… just tell the story. I was caught in that ancient but effective trap of making things harder than they need to be. I was worried about the finite detail and I was being reminded to just tell the story. Getting the story down will enable me to go back and fill in the gaps. Simple, simple, simple!

Today, I have drawn the 2 of Swords – Peace. I am using the Thoth Tarot illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris.

This is the first time I have looked at this card and really focused upon it. Immediately, I see two crossed swords. They cross through a blue rose. The origami windmill-type figures symbolise the movement of air and the two swords (one at the bottom and one of the top) represent the moon (top) and Libra (bottom). On the guard of the two crossed swords are to figures kneeling in prayer and in the centre of the guard is a dove.

This card is about peace and balance. It is quite appropriate to today as it takes swords to cut through the muck to attain the simplicity of peace and balance.

(My husband just cut his middle finger on the same knife I did… go figure!) So, it looks like we are both being reminded to cut through the muck and to stop making things harder than they need to be. If we are successful, we will find the peace and balance of simplicity. What could be better?

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!