The Contract Tarot – 6 of Runes

Sixes are all about taking a breather and reflecting on our journey, balancing and dispensing all the wonderful things we’ve accumulated so far with those who are near and dear to us and reveling in the glow of success! So it would seem…

This card shows a home and a tree of plenty in the background and a lotus fountain, balanced stones and the statue of victory before it. The path is paved with gold coins and we see the flowers of knowledge (lilies) and desire (red roses) beautifully lining the path to the home. These are all symbols of balance, equilibrium, gain, and victory!

The symbols down the left side of the card are Jupiter, Fire and Leo. The runes down the right side of the card are Sowilo (success, life purpose) , Tiwaz (balance, victory) and Nauthiz (gain, achievement through effort).

The Tree of Life path is Tiphareth (beauty) in Atziluth (emanation).

I see in this card the evidence of success through even-handedness and honest gain through applied effort. I witness that everything we need is supplied through knowledge and desire to the path of plenty and family support. There is victory over obsessive gain and pleasure seeking and the reminder is there to put first those things that are of eternal importance as the rest will be supplied should we get this balance right. It is a work in progress as the fruits have yet to be harvested and the home has yet to be filled with love and family. Stay vigilant, stay grounded in your life purpose and you will stay in success!

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

The Contract Tarot – 2 of Runes

Twos are all about duality. Push-me, pull-me focus, yes and no, male and female, etc.

Let’s look at this card.

Down the left side are the runes: Dagaz (dominion, transforming power, awakening), Raidho (journey, the inner compass, leadership) and Perthro (evolutionary change, fate). Down the right side are the astro/elemental symbols of Mars (middle) in Aries (top) and Fire (bottom).

The lilies signify knowledge and the roses signify desire. Both represent life force.

When you draw this card, you are given choice. Whatever choice you make will affect your path/journey for the minute/hour/day/week/year/lifetime. You have the power and can take control and be the leader in your life. Stop and smell the roses and lilies occasionally. Soak up the life force of nature. Draw into yourself and tap into your soul’s inspiration and choose wisely.

Until Monday… Love, light and blessings!

The Contract Tarot 11: Courage

Have Courage when your strength Begins to fail you Breathe deeply into your soul And let it sustain you. Your lustful desires Those wild and deeply Burning fires. Screw up your courage Own the day! Take heart, have faith And trust that your way is clear. Gently conquer your fears! With lustful, strong Courage!

Let’s dive into this card and take a good look at it.

The most dominant aspect of this card is the lion (Leo). This animal is confidently looking at the viewer with a gaze that captures your attention. Above the head of the lion is the lemniscate. There is courage and raw challenge – the reference to strength – in this gaze that demands your attention. The red roses are the roses of desire – the reference to lust. The green hilly background is pierced with a yellow sky. There is power and unity in this image. The power of the yellow sky and the lion against the unity of the whole and the roses that unify in their growth and their density. There is aspiration here to thrive and to face your fears with confidence and courage. All of the meaning could lie with the lion: raw animal instincts, courage, confidence, movement and speed when needed, laziness when wanted, survival, aspiration, density, unity (pride of lions), force, gentleness, etc.

The elements at the bottom of the scroll are (left to right): Teth (serpent), elemental sign for Fire, zodiacal sign for Leo. The Tree of Life path below the scroll is Chesed (mercy) to Geburah (severity).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

The Contract Tarot 5: The Hierophant

Hear the wisdom Of the Hierophant! He offers advice And ancient grace. Bring your problems In your search For truth and understanding He brings harmony and peace. Your desire for knowledge Will be answered here Sit at the feet Of the teacher Aspire to being Life!

So, let’s dive into this card and see what we can see.

The most noticeable thing is the background with sun, moon and mountain and colour. Then the eye focuses on the two pillars, the stone throne, the crown, the borromean rings, the open book, the keys, the lilies, the red roses and the kerubim.

Okay… one at a time.

The background colour is red-orange and is the colour of the Hierophant’s robes.
The light from the sun becomes the oriel representing macrocosmic knowledge and is characteristic of the enlightened.
The moon is the crescent moon that links this card’s energy with The Priestess.
The mountain represents the self-imposed limitations an initiate must overcome on their journey of self-discovery to obtain esoteric/divine knowledge.
The two pillars/columns are Law (right one) and Liberty (left one).
The stone throne is the grey and cold colour representing the earth – this card’s element.
The crown is the papal three-tiered crown.
The borromean rings replace the triple cross scepter and represent the 3 Thelemic Aeons of Isis, Osiris and Horus.
The open book is the Book of Mysteries now open to reveal knowledge.
The keys open the door (of your mind and spirit) to receive divine knowledge.
The lilies represent knowledge.
The roses represent desire and Venus (rules Taurus).
The kerubim are the lion (Leo), the bull (Taurus), the angel (Aquarius) and the eagle (Scorpio) and also the 4 powers of the Sphinx: to Know, to Will, to Dare and to Keep Silent.

On the bottom of the scroll (left to right): the Hebrew letter Vav (nail), the symbol for the element of earth and the zodiac symbol for Taurus. Below the scroll the path between Chokmah (wisdom) and Chesed (mercy) is revealed.

This card is all about finding the wisdom of your soul, looking for divine/esoteric answers and self-discovery. You already know what you need to know. You will find it inside yourself. The path, the truth and the mystery are in yourself.

What do you see? How do you interpret this card?

Until Monday… have a blessed weekend! Love, light and blessings!