The Contract Tarot – 9 of Runes

Nines are cards of completion inasmuch as they are the integration of our journey manifesting now in our lives. Tens are also cards of completion but we’ll cover that on Monday.

This card is full to almost overflowing. There are bold keywords and images for you to consider here. Let’s look at it more carefully.

The scene is stormy and a plateau/meadow in the mountains. The lightning generates a force that is innate in its histrionic manifestation. There is electromagnetic energy in the air and hair rises on the back of your neck and goose bumps emerge as a shiver runs up your spine. You know the air is ripe for lightning but you don’t know where it will show up. This is not all bad. It is a signal that you have force at your disposal whenever you need it. It is deep within you and has helped you get this far on your journey.

It is the courage to start and take that one step forward, that raw energy found in the Ace of Runes; the life force found in the 2; the virtue and success found in the 3; the celebration of family in the 4; the conflict and discipline found in the 5; the balance and victory in the 6; the defiance, conviction and instinct found in the 7; and the freedom, progress and communication of the 8 of Runes. All of these are in the 9 of Runes manifesting as power, force and strength.

This is where you are now. You are in the power of your convictions, self-assured, strong and have the forces of your universe at hand. Lightning is a creative force as well as a destructive force.

The eagle tells you to defeat your fears and rise above them to see the horizon. He also knows that the good and bad in your life are there as balance and encourages you to engage your purpose and your faith to soar.

The bear tells you that there is strength and power to be gained by introspection, meditation and rest. It is important to look at your life and reflect upon what is there and what is needed and to move in your own time and your own wisdom.

Integrating all of these things in your now is what this card is about. There is completion, satisfaction, success and skill here.

The symbols across the top of the card are Moon, Fire and Sagittarius.

Below the Moon, the runes are Sowilo (success, life purpose, guidance), Kenaz (illumination, controlled energy, transformation), Fehu (new beginnings, control, money), Thurisaz (directed force, regenerative catalyst, constructive conflict), Ansuz (divine inspiration, synthesis, communication), and Nauthiz (primal truth, innovation, achievement through effort). Below Sagittarius, the runes are Isa (self-control, unity of being), Jera (peace, prosperity, plenty), Ehwaz (marriage of the mind and body, activation and use of instinct), Algiz (protective teaching force, awakening), Tiwaz (victory, self-sacrifice) and Othala (ancestral spiritual power, inheritance).

The Tree of Life path is Yesod (foundation) in Atziluth (emanation).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

Until Monday… Love, light and blessings!


The Contract Tarot – 6 of Runes

Sixes are all about taking a breather and reflecting on our journey, balancing and dispensing all the wonderful things we’ve accumulated so far with those who are near and dear to us and reveling in the glow of success! So it would seem…

This card shows a home and a tree of plenty in the background and a lotus fountain, balanced stones and the statue of victory before it. The path is paved with gold coins and we see the flowers of knowledge (lilies) and desire (red roses) beautifully lining the path to the home. These are all symbols of balance, equilibrium, gain, and victory!

The symbols down the left side of the card are Jupiter, Fire and Leo. The runes down the right side of the card are Sowilo (success, life purpose) , Tiwaz (balance, victory) and Nauthiz (gain, achievement through effort).

The Tree of Life path is Tiphareth (beauty) in Atziluth (emanation).

I see in this card the evidence of success through even-handedness and honest gain through applied effort. I witness that everything we need is supplied through knowledge and desire to the path of plenty and family support. There is victory over obsessive gain and pleasure seeking and the reminder is there to put first those things that are of eternal importance as the rest will be supplied should we get this balance right. It is a work in progress as the fruits have yet to be harvested and the home has yet to be filled with love and family. Stay vigilant, stay grounded in your life purpose and you will stay in success!

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

The Contract Tarot – 3 of Runes

Threes are all about blending and creation.

Let’s look at this card a little more closely.

There is a lot going on with this card. In the image you see a water scene. A sailboat (your ship has launched) with red (will to act) and green (growth and fresh outlook) sails identified with success is in the foreground is sailing on a yellow sea (your conscious choice). Virtue can be found on the rocks (calculated risks) that rise above the water and hope is resting on a beam of sunlight. Water gives way to growth, vines linking the upper and lower parts of this card together. They rest on a checkerboard (stability) pattern and are warmed by the fire beneath.

The runes run either side and the glyph for the Sun, fire and Aries headline the card. The Tree of Life path is Binah (understanding) in Atziluth (emanation). The runes are: under the Sun – Wunjo (hope, well-being), Sowilo (success, life purpose), Dagaz (hyper-consciousness, hope-happiness); under Aries – Perthro (evolutionary change, luck), Raidho (right action, inner compass) and Tiwaz (victory, balance).

This is the card of initial struggles; of how hope, driven by our inner compass, can lead to success. Your stability can be found in the foundation of your soul. Lit by the fires of creativity, your soul gives rise to your growth, your evolutionary change and will manifest in the realisation of your hope, through virtue, into success that exceeds your expectations. This is a joyous, celebratory card and you should shine today, beaming with renewed strength. Let the fires of creativity fuel your passion and manifest your dreams!

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

The Contract Tarot – The Ace of Runes

Aces of any suit are seed cards. They carry the very essence of whatever will bloom from the suit when harvested. They are the very beginning, the potential locked inside. This is where you will find strength, energy and creativity of any venture, any idea, any issue, any foundation, any belief, any value, etc. It is from here, if the seed is viable, that germination begins to unfold!

Let’s unfold this card and see what it has to offer.

It is obvious, from the keywords, that this card is one of creativity; creative strength when you tap into universal inspiration, creative energy when you activate the very mitochondria of every cell in your physical being to act and the very essence of your spiritual being to transmute and transform the inspirational idea into meaningful and healing creative energy.

This card is also one of strength; strength that we find when we are creative and feel the inspired spirit moving within us; strength that we find when we allow our physical bodies the time they need to rest and regenerate and our spiritual bodies the time they need to renew and refuel the very essence of us through meditative practice and fostering an attitude of gratitude.

This card is also one of energy; the energy we have and can harness when we trust our divine essence and the energy we derive from giving love and allowing.

The symbols on this card are not only astrological, elemental and kabbalistic but also the symbols of runes. Runes have many meanings associated with each of them as do most divinatory tools. So I will give you my explanation for why I used the ones chosen.

Let’s get through everything but the runes for now: at the top of the card are the astrological symbols of Aries, Leo an Sagittarius. At the bottom of the card is the element symbol for Fire and the Hebrew letter, Yod, which is a Tetragrammaton Attribute and the Hebrew letter meaning Fist. The Tree of Life place is Kether (crown) in the world Atziluth (Nearness, Emanation).

The runes I used were: (below Aries) Nauthiz (innovation, personal development and life lessons), Perthro (fate, evolutionary change), Algiz (higher self, awakening), Sowilo (wholeness, success, life purpose) and Laguz (unconscious growth, collective memory); and (below Sagittarius) Uruz (formation, manifestation) , Thurisaz (strong one), Kenaz (artistic or technical ability, transformation, ken), Wunjo (perfection, accomplishment) and Hagalaz (radical change, completion).

What is your interpretation of this card? How do you see it?

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!