The Contract Tarot – Intuition of Runes

This is the Intuition of Runes. It replaces the Queens in traditional decks. Intuition is rampant with all the Queen Court cards, whether intuitively guarded or intuitively expansive. It is what makes them such powerful characters. It is in the heart of the creative process, relationships, practicality and even intelligence. Intuition works on so many levels and subtly informs us every second of every day. Even though we may not be aware of or acknowledge it, it is still there working undercover.

Let’s take a closer look at this card.

The first thing we see is the leopard climbing out of the frame. Leopards are animals revered for their connection with life and death, with the moon. They are solitary animals and are thought to bridge this world with the spiritual world. They are enigmatic creatures. The other creature we see in this picture is a fire salamander. Myths and legends surround this small creature and imbue it with the elemental properties of fire. It is interesting to note how perceptions have changed over the centuries as we learn more and more about creatures that have mythical or mystical properties.

The main picture here is that of a market stall or shop. There is no real sky present, just a pinkish-purplish hue above the metal roof. This is because the focus is on the main items of this card.

This card is about creativity in all ways. Whether hobbies, arts and crafts or trade, commerce or entrepreneurship, this card covers all of these things and indicates that the Querent needs to consider their creativity and how it manifests in their life. This card also concerns itself with the adult female. It has that energy. If the Querent is not an adult female or have that energy, chances are this card is speaking of a situation around creativity or around someone near to the Querent who is an adult female or represents that energy in their life. There is radiance, glow and a ‘burning’ personality here. There are control issues here, rather for self or over others.

Let’s look at the symbols here.

Across the top are the symbols for Water, Aries, Fire. Below the Water symbol are the Runes for Kenaz (artistic or technical ability, exposing the hidden to gain new knowledge, transformation), Uruz (pragmatic knowledge, manifestation, vitality), and Fehu (new beginnings, social success, energy, travel, money). Below the symbol for Fire are the Runes for Raidho (mastery of circumstance and control of situations, creative rhythm in activities, decision making followed by immediate action), Isa (power of control and constraint over others, stillness of presence, focus), and Ihwaz (development of spiritual endurance and hard will to gain initiative, spiritual vision, communication between levels of reality).

The Tree of Life path is Binah (understanding) in Atziluth (emanation).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

Until Monday… Love, light and blessings!

The Contract Tarot – 9 of Runes

Nines are cards of completion inasmuch as they are the integration of our journey manifesting now in our lives. Tens are also cards of completion but we’ll cover that on Monday.

This card is full to almost overflowing. There are bold keywords and images for you to consider here. Let’s look at it more carefully.

The scene is stormy and a plateau/meadow in the mountains. The lightning generates a force that is innate in its histrionic manifestation. There is electromagnetic energy in the air and hair rises on the back of your neck and goose bumps emerge as a shiver runs up your spine. You know the air is ripe for lightning but you don’t know where it will show up. This is not all bad. It is a signal that you have force at your disposal whenever you need it. It is deep within you and has helped you get this far on your journey.

It is the courage to start and take that one step forward, that raw energy found in the Ace of Runes; the life force found in the 2; the virtue and success found in the 3; the celebration of family in the 4; the conflict and discipline found in the 5; the balance and victory in the 6; the defiance, conviction and instinct found in the 7; and the freedom, progress and communication of the 8 of Runes. All of these are in the 9 of Runes manifesting as power, force and strength.

This is where you are now. You are in the power of your convictions, self-assured, strong and have the forces of your universe at hand. Lightning is a creative force as well as a destructive force.

The eagle tells you to defeat your fears and rise above them to see the horizon. He also knows that the good and bad in your life are there as balance and encourages you to engage your purpose and your faith to soar.

The bear tells you that there is strength and power to be gained by introspection, meditation and rest. It is important to look at your life and reflect upon what is there and what is needed and to move in your own time and your own wisdom.

Integrating all of these things in your now is what this card is about. There is completion, satisfaction, success and skill here.

The symbols across the top of the card are Moon, Fire and Sagittarius.

Below the Moon, the runes are Sowilo (success, life purpose, guidance), Kenaz (illumination, controlled energy, transformation), Fehu (new beginnings, control, money), Thurisaz (directed force, regenerative catalyst, constructive conflict), Ansuz (divine inspiration, synthesis, communication), and Nauthiz (primal truth, innovation, achievement through effort). Below Sagittarius, the runes are Isa (self-control, unity of being), Jera (peace, prosperity, plenty), Ehwaz (marriage of the mind and body, activation and use of instinct), Algiz (protective teaching force, awakening), Tiwaz (victory, self-sacrifice) and Othala (ancestral spiritual power, inheritance).

The Tree of Life path is Yesod (foundation) in Atziluth (emanation).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

Until Monday… Love, light and blessings!


The Contract Tarot – 8 of Runes

Eights are about progress, moving forward in your skill level, professionalism, reinventing yourself, etc.

Take a good look at this card. It is well balanced but each part of this card contains a message. Look at the images inside the card and we’ll start with the sky and work to the foreground.

There is a keyword in the sky of freedom. Do you notice the birds flying? There are 16 of them (2×8) and they are flying in formation without being hindered by the peregrine coming to land on top of the archway. The peregrine represents speed and mastery over the air. The clouds in the sky suggest the atmosphere is full of movement and change. I can almost see the clouds moving at a quick pace. The sun is shining and is just gracing the top of the archway.

The dividing archway in this card is a window to opportunity, from the conscious to the unconscious. It is through the archway where you can roam freely and find different perspectives and different adventures. This archway leads to freedom from work.

In the foreground we see a table with four chairs. A white board just behind it shows a chart that indicates positive progress. On the table is mail, a cordless phone, and an ipad. The word communication can be seen on the ground between two chairs. This is all about fast growth, progress, communication and using whatever resource you have at hand to get your message across… from snail mail, to telephone, to internet. We have rapidly progressed in our abilities to quickly communicate.

The symbols across the top of the card are (left to right): Mercury, Fire and Sagittarius. The runes beneath Mercury are Ansuz (transmission of intelligence, communication, synthesis, transformation), Algiz (awakening, state of listening) and Laguz (sea of vitality and of the unconscious growth, communication between your conscious mind to another’s unconscious mind); the runes below Sagittarius are Ehwaz (ability to detect deceit, facilitates swiftness), Fehu (new beginnings, wealth, energy), and Uruz (manifestation, pragmatic knowledge, understanding).

The Tree of Life path is Hod (splendor) in Atziluth (emanation).

What opportunities do you have available to progress your skill set and your communications? How professional are you in your business dealings, the delivery of your message or the image you convey? This card is suggesting that there is room for fast growth and rapid progression of your skills, professionalism and communication.

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!