The Contract Tarot 16: The Tower

The Tower comes down all around you And with it Core beliefs that no longer serve you You are struck down Your soul is laid bare Let the lightning of comprehension Destroy errors and ignorance Release your illusions once and for all The rainbow of enlightenment Answers the call of your soul Clear your karma Achieve equilibrium As the dust settles around you Allow the energy To create anew.”

Let’s take a look at this card.

It seems quite simple, doesn’t it? A red sky (the color of Mars and fire), a dry and spartan landscape with lightning flashing, a tower falling and a rainbow illuminating possibility all appear quite simple and straightforward. But this is the card of the Tower.

Whether the Tower is brought crumbling down due to a bolt out of the sky or by having foundations taken away, this card tells us that something fundamental is shifting, crumbling and falling away. It happens quickly and without warning almost blindsiding us and knocking the wind out of us. However it happens, it challenges our core beliefs and shakes us from complacency and illusion. Once the dust settles, we can see a rainbow.

The rainbow of enlightenment reminds us that, to see what is on the horizon, we have to remove all the rubbish in the way. Sometimes, this means our own core beliefs need to change as the old are no longer valid and no longer serve us. Sometimes, this means that we have to open our eyes to the expectations we have placed on others and ourselves, the expectations we have about another’s behaviours, attitudes or how they should ‘be’ for us and around us. Sometimes, we just have to let go of the clouds we have around us buffering us from the outside world and face the outside world instead. When we do, we see more clearly and that is our reward ~ clarity, insight and enlightenment. Is it easy or pretty? Usually, not. Is it painful? Most of the time.

The symbols on the bottom of the scroll (left to right): the Hebrew letter Peh (mouth), the elemental symbol for Fire, and the zodiacal symbol for Mars. Below the scroll, the Tree of Life path is Netzach (Victory) to Hod (Splendor).

What do you see in this card? How do you interpet it?

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

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