The Contract Tarot 20: Release

I find Release In the Universe! Resolution and renewal Weave into unity In the vast expanse of Spirit! See Life in the reflection of reality Unlimited possibility Childlike healing Loving and giving Rewards and revealing The humanity of the Soul Release!

This card is the amalgamation of the Angel/Judgement card and the Aeon. What do you see in this card?

The volcanic eruption that you see is mirrored in the cosmic volcanic eruption captured by NASA in the cosmos. So there is eruption on earth and in the heavens. A lemniscate appears in the eruption signifying an eternal cycle.

While the imagery in this card appears simple, the meaning is profound. This is about an eruption, a release, a resolution, renewal… This is about spiritual awakening, making a decision and, in the making of the decision, releasing your mind, heart and soul from the conflict of decision making and getting on with implementation of the result. This is about breaking a habit, erupting from your shackles, your limitations and releasing the energy to make room for renewal and growth. This is about fully realising the cycle of growth: from decay of a belief or value to shedding it to adopting a new, more resourceful belief or value. We have to die to ourselves, just a little bit, to shed our skin, to push beyond our self-imposed boundaries to grow. There is release, there is eruption, there is abundant energy in this exercise.

The symbols on the bottom of the scroll are (from left to right): the Hebrew letter of Shin (tooth), the elemental symbol of Fire and the astrological symbol of Pluto.

The Tree of Life path is from Hod (Splendor) to Malkuth (Kingdom).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?