The Contract Tarot – Nine of Virtues and Cosmic Principles

We are quickly moving along our path. We have left the eights and are now at the nines, cards of harvest and fulfillment. Nines are powerful cards because they are full of potential and possibility. They are, some would say, really the journey’s end ~ we’ll look at tens tomorrow ~ but I feel they are more the integration of what has come before, powerful as they are overflowing and our awareness cannot help but be piqued.

Let’s look at this card more closely.

In the background is the night sky and Sirius, the Dog Star. Sirius outshines almost any star that is around it. It is full to overflowing with presence and the more you look at it, the more you fill with joy; hence, the word here is Joy.

Below the star you see two butterflies alight on an orange gerbera daisy. Not only is orange a featured color here – it stands for power, vitality, endurance and innocence; but the butterfly also signals the end of the transformation process, the fool becoming more individual, more secure and more mature.

Directly below the daisy, we see the 100% satisfaction guaranteed symbol. This card is about satisfaction. As we have made our way through the ups and downs, we are now to a point of being satisfied with our progress and all we have learned and let go. This, in turn leads directly to the Gratitude rock you see below this symbol. Gratitude is our overarching emotion in this card. If we haven’t been cultivating an attitude of gratitude before we reach this point, we are reminded to begin. An attitude of gratitude is like armor and will protect us as we continue on our path until this journey’s end.

The symbols above the ‘C’ are Jupiter in Pisces. The symbol above the ‘P’ is Water.

The Tree of Life path is Yesod (foundation) in Beriah (creation).

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!