7: Pathfinding… answering the call

I find I am very restless today as my book is ‘calling’ to me to begin the task of putting into words what I have learned thus far and to expose places that need more information and research. So, today I will do a ‘brain dump’ and flesh out the beginnings of the book I ‘need’ to write to exorcise it from my very being. This is the same ‘calling’ I get every time I do a creative work. Inspired by a dream, the seeds are planted and I am driven to pull all the elements together and allow my hands to ‘channel’ what comes to the atmosphere of my mind through my inspired spirit. Amazement follows as I look upon the final piece of wondrous art that has me absolutely perplexed as to how it arrived. The ingredients, the colours, the textures, the fine detail, the abstract look, the ‘secret’ that is buried but remains obvious to see, if one really looks – all come together in a graceful fluidity of spirit, mind and hand that is a true miracle to behold. How inspired works are created… What is your calling and how do you create?

Today, I did not draw a card. Three cards fell out during shuffling and turned themselves face-up to be seen. I will use these three cards for my draw today. Today, I have drawn the 6 of Cups – Pleasure, the Lovers VI and the Queen of Wands – Reversed. I am using the Thoth Tarot illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris. What do these 3 cards tell me about my day?

I think I want to stop with this card. The 6 of Cups is the card of beginnings/commencement of pleasure, of well-being, harmony, ease and satisfaction. It corresponds to balance and this is the card that helps us see balance in our emotions as we move from a tumultuous 4&5 of Cups forward. We get a grand respite that allows us pleasure. However, this is a commencement card, a beginnings card and reminds us that we can’t rest of our laurels just yet.So, I choose to see this card as a messenger of a pleasant day as I begin my work on my book. It reminds me that today will be a day of ease, harmony and well-being if I allow it.
What a another wonderful card to draw for today! It demonstrates the Lovers but the card is not really about the Lovers but the child of their union. It is about the orphic egg, the essence of all life. This is a fabulous card for creative process.I choose to see this card demonstrating to me that not only am I doing what I love to do, the child I am bringing to life is beginning to take shape and come together.
Whereas the upright version of the Queen of Wands demonstrates a woman who is enterprising, good willed, nurturing, a good businesswoman, economical, virtuous and the all-round ‘super woman’ we aspire to today, the reverse isn’t the opposite but is more extreme. The reverse is about extravagance, manipulation, inflexibility, difficult, and feverish in endeavours.I choose to see this card as a reminder that, though my day is full of pleasurable growth and development of my book, it is also possible to become focused on one thing only and thus impede my progress. It is a reminder that I should stay open and consider my goal for today in a more knit 1, perl 2 sort of way so I accomplish something in a balanced fashion.

Overall, today is about enjoying the process of beginning the book. It is about being cognisant of becoming too focused on any one thing and taking pleasure from keeping everything balanced and in good order. Perhaps this is a way of saying, just write what you know and then go back and identify gaps for further research. It isn’t imperative to try to ‘research’ today. There is always tomorrow.

I hope your day will be as pleasurable and balanced as my day is appearing to be. Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!