The Contract Tarot 13: Death

Death is here! Death is now! Turn your scythe Into a plough! Rip open your soul Transform your will Let go of ego Renew your self. Change, grow, Behold Death!

While this card is seemingly light on imagery, there is enough here to help anyone understand the basics of this card. Let’s dive into it!

There are a few images competing for dominance here. The scythe, the eagle, the skull and the blue lotus  are all vying for the eye, albeit in a rather balanced and comfortable way.

The scythe represents the figure of death. The skull indicates the physical body once decay has finished. The snake, scorpion and eagle are the tripartite Scorpio. They represent the cycle of life and death: creation and incarnation. The scorpion is trapped between the lily and the lotus and represents the mortality of the  body between the alpha and the omega. The snake is the kundalini energy that sparks creative energy. The eagle represents the energy involved in the creation of life. The tripartite images also represent stages of matter: scorpion (ice); snake (liquid) and eagle (gas).

There is a storm brewing in the background and the ploughed earth is eager for a drink of water. The brown earth is ready to germinate seeds that lie just below the surface. Just as we are eager to fulfill our potential through change and transformation, a sip of imagination and creativity is all that is needed to spark change and transform ourselves and our environment. Small things (changes)  make big impacts (transformations). The sacrifice we make to this transformation is to let go of our ego, to be vulnerable and malleable.

The symbols at the bottom of the scroll (left to right): the Hebrew letter Nun (fish), the elemental sign for Water and the zodiacal sign of Scorpio. The Tree of Life path is from Tiphareth (beauty) to Netzach (victory).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!

27: Trailblazing… news of progress

I started researching and learning Tarot to write a book based on the Tarot. However, the more I look, read, research, the more I really love Tarot.

I’m still writing a book… the muse has spoken and will not leave me alone until I do. As part of this project, however, I realised I would need to create my own deck and it’s a bit radical. Again, these cards have been inspired by my muse and I have seen them in my dreams.

I have created three cards so far: The Fool, Death and The Universe. I thought I’d share them with you here. Please note that while this deck is based on Thoth Tarot, it is a blend of Tarot and Lenormand Oracle and, if you are familiar with Lenormand decks, you’ll understand what I mean as soon as you see the cards.

I’d love your comments and/or thoughts about them. As I progress with the project, I’ll share more here just so you know why I haven’t been posting for a day or two (bar health issues).

Okay… here comes The Fool

the next one is Death:

and the final one is The Universe:

Until tomorrow…Love, light and blessings!