The Contract Tarot – Wisdom of Virtues and Cosmic Principles

We are coming to the end of our journey through Virtues and Cosmic Principles. Today is Wisdom of Virtues and Cosmic Principles. In traditional decks, this would be the King of Cups! This is the ultimate in self-control and self-awareness. Wisdom is about experience, knowledge, good judgment, and discernment. It requires perceptiveness and dignity, a state of holding one’s self apart and seeking the highest good for all concerned.

Let’s look a little more closely at this card.

The background is a rainbow sky. The rainbow is a covenant of grace, a bridge between heaven and earth, a symbol of hope and a bringer of peace. Within this context, it is an encouragement to seek the treasure within and Wisdom sees and identifies this treasure.

The next image is a Sphinx Cat. Perceptiveness runs down it’s back. The Sphinx is the guardian of mysteries and cats are independent, stealthy, intuitive and perceptive. Perceptiveness is significant here because it admonishes the reader to use discernment, insight and knowing and to look for understanding.

The next image is a peacock and the word Dignity runs down its back. The peacock is an animal of immortality, renewal, resurrection, potentiality, awareness, manifestation and healing. Dignity is defined as worthy of honor or respect.  Wisdom encourages us to see these qualities in others and in ourselves.

The next image is Lavender. Lavender is commonly thought to express purity, silence, devotion, caution and healing. Here is that healing word again. Wisdom cultivates these qualities. Purity leads to clarity, silence to knowing, devotion to awareness, caution to discernment and healing to renewal.

The symbol above the ‘C’ is Scorpio. The symbols above the ‘P’ are Air in Water.

The Tree of Life path is Tiphareth (beauty) in Beriah (creation).

What do you see in this card? How would you interpret it?

Until tomorrow, when we look at the next suit of Gemstones… Love, light and blessings!