21: Trailblazing… remembering to rest

Yesterday was a good day. I got started on the Tarot deck I need to create and have a better understanding of what I want to see in these cards. I remembered to eat and to move occasionally and felt the day went fairly well. When I went to bed, I noticed my ankles were swollen. I didn’t feel this happen. I know my feet felt a bit heavy but this is a normal state of affairs for me these days.

This morning, my ankles are still swollen and, rather than sit at my computer today, I will put my feet up in an attempt to help this situation. So, after today’s posts, I will not be at the computer except occasionally to keep up-to-date.

Today is about remembering to rest. We remember to do so many things: eat, sleep, bathe, work… but we rarely take the time to rest through the day. What we fail to recognise is that, by taking time to rest during the day, we are more productive, in a better mood and we feel better.

How will you remember to rest today? Will you take a nap in the afternoon? Will you take 15-20 minutes to put your feet up while enjoying a cup of tea? Will you ‘step away from’ whatever you are working on to give your brain, your eyes and your thoughts just a little rest? Remember to rest and see how it will improve your day. 🙂

Today, I have drawn Art – XIV. I am using the Thoth Tarot illustrated by Lady Frieda Harris.

There are so many beautiful symbols in this card. This card takes the elements in ‘The Lovers’ and transforms them from analysis to synthesis. Everything here is about integration and counter-change. It is about synthesis and moderation. It is about VITRIOL and the Philosopher’s stone. This card is so full of meaning and today, I choose to look at moderation.

Moderation can be a blessing and a curse. I would really like to dig in today and get a lot done but moderation prevails. I will need to moderate how much time I sit at the computer and balance it with how much time I use to put my feet up to help my ankles recover. It is frustrating as I am not patient when I have creations trying to be released from my mind.

Until tomorrow… Love, light and blessings!